It is finally September, and suddenly structure and routine have returned to my world. (Cue a collective sigh of relief from moms everywhere.) This time of year, we bid adieu to the laidback months of summer and turn our sights toward intentionality once again.
In the fashion world, this month also marks the dawn of a brand-new year! Top designers unveil new collections during the official fashion weeks of couture capitals like New York, London, Paris and Milan. (Maybe next year, Orlando.) The world takes note because what is unveiled will set the tone for fashion trends over the next 12 months.
Even though it doesn’t feel much like fall around here, I propose that we take a cue from the fashion world and leverage this “new year” to forecast some future, personal trends as well. Here’s how you can use the fall fashion festivities to reinvent your personal style and invigorate your goal-getting.
Assess Where You Are
Blame the obscene heat, the constant presence of your darling – but always home and always hungry – children, or the overly ambitious family travel plans. Whatever happened this summer that has left you feeling “off your game,” you’re in good company. As we realign our schedules (and snacking habits) to a more structured approach, I suggest we take the opportunity to evaluate it all anyway. Personal development is not just about refining our skills; it’s about crafting our best self. And the way I see it, personal style can be an incredible catalyst for personal growth. If you aren’t loving how you’re looking and feeling right now, you have the power to change it. If you feel unmotivated or scattered in pursuit of your goals, try breathing a little inspiration into your wardrobe.
Gather Inspiration
When you want to refresh your style, it’s important to expose yourself to fresh viewpoints. You just don’t know what you don’t know. Allow yourself some time to be creative and hunt for different style perspectives. A great place to start, especially this time of year, is fashion magazines. (I mean, if you can lift them.) Vogue has been known to debut a 915-page homage to fantastical fashion each September. And while I don’t recommend exactly copying haute couture looks (’cause they’re usually pretty weird), the exercise might inspire you and spark an interest in something new. Think about it this way: We’ll spend hours scrolling images to decide between curtain versus side swept bangs before we actually take the plunge and make an appointment at the salon. So, think of this as your pre-appointment homework. If you want to show up in a new and exciting way, go find out what you find new and exciting in the world of style.
Perfect Your Personal Brand
If you are lacking motivation or need to start pushing more intently toward your business goals (we see you, fourth quarter), a stylish addition to your personal branding could be the key. I believe that the most overlooked aspect of personal branding is how we dress. Beyond just a logo or a tagline, your personal brand encompasses your values, expertise and unique qualities. Your clothing choices can significantly impact how you’re perceived by others and, more importantly, how you see yourself. As you consider updating your style, be sure that it is in support of your goals and current branding. Revisit your brand’s core values and decide you are going to dress the part. Just as your brand’s logo and messaging communicates its essence, your clothing choices communicate who you are and what you stand for. You want this to be in alignment with and enhance the branding elements you already have in place. This cohesion can be the business and confidence accelerator you’ve been looking for.
Follow along with the world of fashion and decide that this month is your fresh start. Move past those summertime blues, get inspired, and show up differently for yourself and your business. I can’t wait to see what you debut this season, friends.