Let’s have a candid moment here: When turnover hits your team, who’s walking out the door? Is it your rock stars who are packing up their desks while the underperformers are still warming their seats?
If so, you might want to stop pointing fingers at HR and start looking in the mirror.
Arnold Glasgow said it best: “One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency.” And if losing top talent isn’t screaming “emergency” at you, I don’t know what will.
Let’s be real – great people don’t quit for funsies. They don’t roll out of bed one morning and say, “You know what? I’m bored of being happy and successful.” Nope. They leave because something (or someone) isn’t working.
Quick story
A friend of mine – let’s call her Billie – was crushing it at her company. She loved her job, poured her soul into it, and was basically the person you’d want cloned for your team. But her boss? Yikes. He was that guy. The one who hijacked her ideas in meetings, only showed up to criticize, and couldn’t be bothered to say thanks when she landed big wins.
She stuck it out for a year, and then she was done. She didn’t just leave quietly, either. She walked straight to a competitor who treated her like the rock star she was. Oh, and she took her clients with her. Burn.
Here’s the thing: Billie didn’t leave her job. She left how the job made her feel under bad leadership. And here’s the zinger: her old company didn’t just lose her – they lost the revenue she brought in and the reputation she built. Double burn.
Why People Really Leave
Brace yourself – it’s not because the coffee machine was broken or the snacks in the breakroom weren’t gluten-free.
When people leave, it’s usually because their basic human needs aren’t being met. You know, the ones that matter most: feeling valued, having a voice, and seeing a future for themselves.
Psychologists call this Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory. I call it common sense: People stick around when they feel like their work and ideas matter.
When they don’t? They’re gone. And not even a fat paycheck will keep them around if they’re drowning in bad vibes every day.
Your Leadership Gut Check
Here’s where it gets uncomfortable, but stick with me. Ask yourself:
- Are you creating an environment where your team feels like they can thrive? Or are they just surviving?
- When someone amazing leaves, do you actually ask why? And I don’t mean in a “fill out this exit survey” kind of way – I mean really digging in and finding out what you could’ve done differently.
- Do you listen more than you talk? Or are you already formulating a response before they’ve finished a sentence?
- Do you give credit where it’s due? Or is it all “me, me, me” in front of the higher-ups?
What to Do Next
If this is hitting a little close to home, good news: You don’t have to be perfect. You just have to start doing a little better. Here’s how:
- Audit Your Turnover. Look at who’s left and why. If you don’t know, go back and ask.
- Ask for Feedback. Yeah, it’s awkward. But it’s also how you get better. Try this: “What’s one thing I could do differently to support you?” And then zip it and listen.
- Pick One Thing. You don’t have to revamp your whole leadership style overnight. Start with one change. Maybe it’s actively listening. Maybe it’s giving more recognition. Whatever it is, commit to it this week.
- Make It About Them. In your next meeting, shine the spotlight on your team. Who’s crushing it? Call it out.
One More Thing
You’re not going to get it right every time, and that’s okay. Leadership is messy. But the best leaders? They own their mess, clean it up, and keep moving forward.
Because at the end of the day, your team isn’t leaving for another office. They’re leaving for a leader who sees them, hears them and values them. Be that leader. Or, you know, start writing goodbye cards.
Check out the latest episode of the Leader Fuel Podcast for more on this and the fuel you need to keep going and growing as a leader.