Summer brings a welcomed slower pace, a respite from the frantic sprint of juggling various commitments that come with the rest of the year. However, even amidst the promise of relaxation, many families find themselves caught in a whirlwind of summer activities, leaving little time for genuine connection. As revealed by the American Time Use Survey, time is a fleeting commodity, particularly with our children. The survey highlights the stark reality that we have only 18 summers to spend with our kids before they venture into their own independent lives.
This sobering truth underscores the importance of reassessing our priorities as families. Often, we find ourselves caught between what we deem important and the commitments that consume our time and resources. Summer serves as a midway point of the calendar year, offering an opportunity to pause and realign ourselves with our family goals – be they relational, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or financial.
In our book, Family Shift: The 5-Step Plan to Stop Drifting and Start Living with Greater Intention, we outline five essential shifts families can make to enhance their summer experience:
1. Start With the End in Mind (S): By crafting a family vision and purpose statement, families can navigate life’s twists and turns with clarity and intentionality.
Questions to Ask This Summer:
Who do you desire to become as a family? Paint a picture using words of the kind of family you desire to become in the future and try to capture it in one or two sentences in the form of a vision statement.
2. Hold to Core Values (H): Defined beliefs and values are anchored in turbulent times, guiding families toward what truly matters.
Questions to Ask This Summer:
Ask yourself if what you’re doing today as a family is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow. Make an exhaustive list of values/qualities you admire in others, want to emulate, and are important to you (download the free values sheet at thewinningfamily.com). Attempt to narrow that list down to five or 10 values or qualities. If possible, convert them into sticky statements that are easy to remember.
3. Identify Your G.P.S. (I): Goals, passions and struggles serve as internal compass points, keeping families on track toward their collective potential.
Questions to Ask This Summer:
Which goals/categories does each family member need to make or revisit to finish this year strong? Spiritual, relational, financial, intellectual and physical.
What Do I Sing About? This question identifies what makes me happy.
What Do I Dream About? This question identifies what I would like to do if I had the opportunity.
What Causes Righteous Anger Inside of Me? This question identifies my convictions of what is right and wrong.
What Am I Most Burdened About? This question identifies what breaks my heart and concerns me the most.
It’s often through our struggles that we find our greatest strengths. What story or lesson can you tell from the struggles you have faced? Your greatest pain can be turned into your greatest platform to impact others.
4. Find Life-Giving Friendships (F): Surrounding ourselves with friends who align with our values adds strength and purpose to our journey. Practicing simple mathematics can teach us a lot about friendships.
Addition = Friends who add positive things to our lives. They bring things to your life that will make your life better.
Subtraction = These people are a minus. They don’t bring out the best version of you. They take away. They are a distraction.
Multiplication = They make you the best version of yourself and inspire you to impact others.
Division = These people are constantly dividing, manipulating people to take sides. They make life more complicated.
Questions to Ask This Summer:
What changes do we need to make in our friendships that will add/multiply positive qualities into our lives and inspire us to become the person/family we want to become?
5. Teach by Example (T): Parents’ actions leave a lasting impression on their children, shaping their values and outlook on life.
Questions to Ask This Summer:
Are you modeling the values that matter most to you in front of your kids? Be who you want them to become!
In essence, summer offers more than just a break from routine – it presents an opportunity for families to recalibrate, strengthen bonds, and lay the foundation for a fulfilling future together. By embracing these shifts, we can make the most of our time with our loved ones and leave a legacy for generations.