Rest, break, downtime. Do you get enough? Do you wish you had more of it? Rest or recovery is essential for our survival. You wake up, at some point in your day you’ll feel tired (some might feel tired all day), you might get a break, you might power through, then you are hopefully able to fall asleep to then wake up and start the cycle again. According to … [Read more...]
Work Well: Three Reasons to Bring Mindfulness to the Workplace
Mindfulness is a current buzzword. You can find the word “mindfulness” on newsstands and in magazines. The word “mindful” is thrown around regarding the way we speak, act, write and think. But, what is “mindfulness?” I can tell you that it is not a religion, although some of the teachings are rooted in Buddhist meditations. It is not mystic, and it … [Read more...]
Tough Things to Talk About: Self-Awareness and Why It Matters
To be aware is to have knowledge, to have consciousness. But there is so much more than that, isn’t there? There are multiple contexts to view “awareness,” such as mindfulness; being aware simply meaning that you are paying attention to what is happening right here and now. In meditation and mindful conversations, awareness is a word constantly buzzing around. Why does … [Read more...]
Work Well: Mindful Email
Using Mindfulness Practices in Everyday Action How many ways can someone get in contact with you? I can get an email, a text message, correspondence in the mail, a Facebook message, an Instagram PM, a Tweet, a LinkedIn notification, a Slack team message, a snapchat, a WhatsApp, a phone call, a written note, a fax, or someone can come and knock at my door and … [Read more...]
Work Well: Create New Habits to Accomplish Your New Year’s Resolution
Five Steps to Nailing it This Year! The new year gives us an opportunity to start fresh. As we say goodbye to 2018, we look at 2019 with fresh eyes and a hope for positive change. Whatever the resolution is, we throw ourselves gung-ho without regard to whatever held us back the years prior. Unfortunately, that fresh feeling is gone by February and so are our resolutions. … [Read more...]