In this month’s article, I would like to provide information about a topic regarding feeding that has come up more often. It is a difficult issue that many parents face and have concerns about but isn’t really talked about. As a pediatric feeding specialist, I get tons of questions every day regarding children and their eating. Is this normal for my baby? When should I start … [Read more...]
Happy Eaters Lake Nona: Using Distractions to Feed a Picky Toddler
As a feeding therapist with over 15 years experience, I hear this concern so often: The only way parents can get their kids to eat, try foods, or finish a meal is with a distraction. Parents feel guilty, stressed, and pulled in multiple directions. They need their kids to get calories in, but they often feel they are doing them harm by allowing distractions. To make matters … [Read more...]
Happy Eaters Lake Nona: What’s Typical and What’s Not?
A parent-friendly guide to figuring out your child’s picky eating habits. As a pediatric feeding specialist, I have heard the same concern voiced many times: “My child just won’t eat, and I don’t know if it is normal or not!” Stressed-out families have approached me countlessly asking if what they are going through is typical or not. To confuse the issue, parents have been … [Read more...]
Happy Eaters Lake Nona!
What a wonderful time of the year! With shopping, presents, and small gatherings, it is a time people look forward to all year. But if your child is one of the many picky eaters out there, the level of stress that you may be feeling over upcoming family meals or gatherings can be overwhelming. What will my toddler be able to eat? What kind of snide comments will I hear … [Read more...]