Title: When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women From 1960 to the Present Author: Gail Collins I was looking for a book for March to reflect Women’s History Month. Skipping all the usual suspects, books by the Brontës, Jane Austen, and slightly more contemporary fiction choices like A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf, I decided to go … [Read more...]
The Lake Nona Book Maven Book Review
Book: Their Eyes Were Watching God Author: Zora Neale Hurston In honor of Black History Month, I chose a book about a black woman by a black author – but not just any black author – an educated and celebrated woman, part of the Harlem Renaissance, and a Central Florida native. Zora Neal Hurston‘s history and the history of the town where she lived, Eatonville … [Read more...]
Book Review: Saga of Old City
Author: Gary Gygax Publisher: TSR, 1985, 348 pages I’ve been playing Dungeons & Dragons since the late 1980s. I knew who Gary Gygax was, of course, but somehow I never knew he wrote books. Until one day at my local Goodwill, I happened to come across the first four books in the Greyhawk world with the first two written by Gygax. I was surprised and excited. … [Read more...]
The Lake Nona Book Maven Review: Louise Penny Novels
Author: Louise Penny Genre: Fiction (detective, mystery, suspense) For the last 10 years or so, I’ve been reading through the Louise Penny novels featuring her detective, Chief Inspector of Homicide Armand Gamache of the Sûreté du Québec in Canada. There are 14 novels in the group now, and I’ve fallen in love with the characters and watched them grow and change over … [Read more...]
Book Review: The Martian
Author: Andy Weir Publisher: Self/Crown Publishing, 2011/2014, 369 pages There’s a chance you’ve seen the movie The Martian starring Matt Damon and might think, “Why would I read the book if I already saw the movie?” In most cases, you would read the book after the movie to get more information from the source because they always leave out details from the books … [Read more...]