Paula Ramirez is a stay-at-home mom of two and a Nonahood resident. Read our conversation with her below!

Nonahood News: What does your day-to-day schedule look like?
Paula Ramirez: I wake up at 5 in the morning. I go to the gym. I’m back by 6:50, wake up the kids, take a shower, and we have breakfast. It’s very important to have breakfast with all our family. Then, I take the kids to school. By 9:30, I’m back home, and I start cooking lunch. I go pick up my daughter by 12. I come home, have lunch, then I pick up my son. If they have any classes like martial arts, ballet, soccer, I take them. We’re back from class, they do homework. If they don’t have homework at school, I will provide homework at home because I do homeschool for them. By 6, we eat, then we go for a walk around the neighborhood because we love Lake Nona. They go to sleep at 8, so that’s my time to have tea or wine, to be with my husband, to be with my mom, to do my meditation, to read.
NHN: What would you say are the most challenging aspects of being a stay-at-home mom?
PR: I have five people under my everyday routine, so I have to make sure my timing is really good. I have to make sure I have a good schedule, that way I have everything for them at the proper time.
NHN: What would you say is the most rewarding aspect of being a stay-at-home mom?
PR: The most rewarding aspect is when they tell you, “I love you.” When they say, “I love you,” and they give you that big hug, you know that it’s worth it. Those little words, “Mom, I love you,” or “Mom, you’re so special,” that’s my strength for every day to continue. And also, my husband. He’s a great husband.

NHN: Do you have any interesting hobbies, collections, or interests?
PR: My hobby is my exercise. I love to do exercise, and I love to do meditation. I love to do yoga. I want to get better at it. I love to read things that are really positive. I love to listen to Louise Hay. Everything that brings peace to my soul.
NHN: Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
PR: I see myself as a really good human, really good mom. That I can teach my kids that they have to respect, to love, to treat each other the same and that they have to study. I want them to study to keep up those honor rolls. Ricardo, my son, English is his second language and he has been on the honor roll this entire year. So, I pray to God that they keep on being good students. I see myself supporting them always.
NHN: What brought you to Lake Nona?
PR: My kids. I saw such a great future in Lake Nona. Everybody’s so nice. There are so many opportunities, and it’s such a safe neighborhood. When you’re a mom, your life is them. They’re so little, they’re only 4 and 5, so it’s a great neighborhood to raise a family. It’s very family-orientated.
NHN: Where are you from originally?
PR: I moved from Pembroke Pines. We used to love it there, but it’s better for my kids here. There, it’s too fast-paced, too many people. Here, the neighborhood is quiet, not too much traffic for now, even though it’s growing fast. I feel better here.

NHN: What is your favorite part about Lake Nona?
PR: My favorite part about Lake Nona is the safety, how clean it is, the people. Everybody is so nice. Everybody says hi to you. The community is very united. And how fast it’s growing. I love to see the progress. Every day, you wake up and you see something different.
NHN: What would you say to anyone who is considering a move to Lake Nona?
PR: I support everybody that wants to move. I don’t have many friends, but when my relatives come and visit me, I always make sure I give them a good tour, that way they leave with a good image of the city. I’m really proud to be here.