Small but mighty 11-year-old Mileina Cruz-Pabon is one tough cookie. This little girl has handled Turner syndrome (TS) like a champ, and having been through medical stress so young hasn’t hindered her sunny disposition one bit.
Mileina was diagnosed with Turner syndrome one year ago. Her mom, Michele, grew concerned over Mileina’s seemingly stunted growth at age eight. She was smaller than other kids her age, and her development appeared to pause. Doctors reassured Michele that her daughter was fine with nothing to worry about. Two years later, she took Mileina to an endocrinologist as she saw little change. Then followed a series of specialist visits, tests and examinations before determining that Mileina suffers from a chromosomal disorder in which a female is only born with one X chromosome. Mileina is one in 2,000 females to be afflicted with this condition.
Turner syndrome expresses itself in females through short stature, delayed puberty, hearing loss, infertility, heart defects, and certain learning disabilities. Treatment includes giving yourself an injection every single day, which is daunting enough even as an adult. The shots are part of a growth hormone treatment – and Mileina and her family have very recently celebrated completing one full year of this program.
“At the beginning, it wasn’t easy for me because I don’t like needles,” said Mileina, “but now, I am the one that gets all the medication ready so that my mom or dad can give me the injection. This process has helped me be stronger and gain more confidence.”

Her bravery grew and grew until injections became second nature to her. She had collected each and every needle she used during the past year and featured them in a recent photoshoot by Bozanich Photography to symbolize her accomplishment as an unstoppable little lady.

One day, we may see Mileina conquer some more incredible feats. Michele described Mileina’s passion for animals and particularly her passion for snakes; Mileina’s dream career involves animals in some capacity. Additionally, she’d love to sign on America’s Got Talent. With her fierce energy and strength, we know she would take those judges by storm!
“If I had to describe her, she is unique! There is no one else like her,” said Michele. “If she had a not-so-good day at school, she always has a smile, and she always has something positive to say. Mileina makes sure that everyone around her feels loved, and she does it with the biggest smile and the biggest of hugs.”
At only 11 years of age, Mileina Cruz-Pabon is tougher than you’d think. She lets nothing stop her from living freely and joyfully. Her big smile is a testament to her heart, despite what she faces every day. To feel happiness in the presence of adversity is a heroic trait and is surely what keeps this little girl going at full speed.
“Mileina has shown me that no matter what the situation, there is always a brighter side of things. She has overcome this with such poise and grace, and no matter who or what tries to bring her down or makes her feel uncomfortable because of her height, she will demonstrate the total opposite,” shared Michele. “Mileina is the most beautiful young lady you’ll ever meet.”
Thank you so much for sharing Mileina’s story ❤. I really hope that someone can read her story and find the courage to overcome any obstacle. The purpose of this was to inspire others to keep fighting and that no matter what we come across in life,, we are more than OVERCOMERS AND BLESSED! MILEINA IS A TRUE HERO!!