With the Orlando VA Hospital and a large veteran population in the vicinity, Lake Nona will be the next location to experience the addition of an American Legion Post. What is an American Legion, you ask? Chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919, the American Legion was created “as a patriotic veterans’ organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow service members and veterans.”
The American Legion is a non-profit organization that supports the nation’s veteran community by standing behind issues most important to those who have served our country. The Legion was founded on four pillars: Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children and Youth. For nearly a century, the American Legion has helped military families through the transition into civilian life after service, won hundreds of benefits for veterans, and has influenced considerable social change in the U.S. The Florida American Legion has more than 130,000 members with more than 300 Legion Posts throughout the state.
“Our organization was founded on the premise that all those serving in the U.S. Armed Forces during times of national crisis, regardless of place of service, are eligible to belong to the American Legion. Our membership is based on period of service, not place of service,” clarified Bill Musto, Legion member and organizer of the Lake Nona Post. “Therefore, if you have served at least one day of ‘active duty’ during the eligibility dates, are presently serving in the military or have been honorably discharged, you may become a member.”
Nonahood News spoke with Musto to learn more about the newcomer association that will likely make a lasting impact in the community. Musto helped organize the Lake Nona Post because he and others saw a need for one in this area. “There are four post[s] in the vicinity, but none of them were servicing Lake Nona or the VA directly. When I looked at a map of the area, I saw a huge gap in the coverage of the other four posts, and it was directly centered on Lake Nona and the surrounding area,” stated Musto. “I have friends and colleagues who live and work in the area who either are members of other posts or could be members of other posts but were not attending them because they were too far away, or they didn’t feel comfortable at the other posts. So, I decided to attempt a new post startup in the area.”
The future post reached its charter member minimum a few months ago, and once the initial post temporary charter package is reviewed and approved by the national office, the temporary post charter with the Lake Nona Post number will be delivered. Once the post number is delivered, a team of officers/chairmen are elected/selected and recruitment begins to build up the post membership. There has already been a decent amount of support for the Lake Nona American Legion post creation.
“The Lake Nona Post was the brainchild of Steve Shuga, the past Florida Department Commander. He saw the potential in Lake Nona back in 2016 and attempted to start a post then, but he didn’t have the manpower or the time to commit to the startup,” Musto explained. “In May of this year, I contacted the Department of Florida and Commander Shuga and told them I was interested in starting a post in the area. We reviewed the new post checklist, gathered required materials and launched the recruiting drive to establish the Lake Nona American Legion Post.”
Having an established American Legion Post also means an eventual creation of The Legion Family. The family will be comprised of members that form the American Legion, Sons of the American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary and American Legion Riders.
The group is looking for assistance from the community. Musto described how future meeting locations are under immediate review and a search is on for a better location to hold meetings and conduct the business of the American Legion. Community assistance is needed to help the Legion seek out a small building, land, etc., for a more permanent post location until they get fully established in the Nonahood.
If you are interested in joining the American Legion Post Lake Nona, email americanlegionlakenona@gmail.com or send a note to 10524 Moss Park Rd., Suite 104-190, Orlando, FL 32832 with attention to William Musto. Be sure to provide your phone number, email and mailing address. Current meetings take place at the VA Hospital in the Crescent Room on the third Wednesday of the month. The next meeting is Nov. 21 at 6 p.m. Current annual dues are $40, and a copy of your DD-214 with a completed membership application are required to join.