One of my favorite phrases comes from Albert E. N. Gray: “Successful people make a habit of doing the things that failures don’t like to do.” Although I don’t like very much the word “failures” within this context, the truth is that this phrase, along with your answers to the questions you will see below, might positively impact your life in profound ways.
You see, there are many things that successful people do that they don’t like to do and still do because, among other things, the pain of doing them is a lot less than the pain and consequences of not doing them. You might want to read that again. They know what they want, they make a plan to achieve it, and they are committed to confront any challenges along the way without negotiating and without excuses.
Please, carefully and slowly consider your answers to these three questions; they might be revealing to you:
What are three things that you like doing, that are a total waste of time, but that you still do and that are costing you time and money?
What are three things that you like to do, that you are not doing, but you know you should be doing?
What are three things that you don’t like doing, that you are not doing, and that if you did them would multiply your results, would make you more money or would give you more fulfilment?
There are people who do not like to wake up early and lose productive hours of the day.
There are people who do not like to read and fall behind in their careers.
There are people who don’t like to eat healthy, and their bodies are taking a toll; you get the point.
The thing is that we focus so much on what we don’t like that we get totally disconnected from how our life would change and would be like if we made a habit of doing the things that are necessary for our success whether we like them or not!
By the way, I am not referring to tasks that you can delegate; I am referring to those that are indispensable to your success and that nurture your body, your mind and your spirit. No one could do your learning but you, and you cannot send someone to the gym on your behalf, although I know a few people who would love to.
Imagine for a moment how different your life would be if you started creating a habit of doing the things “unsuccessful” people hate doing. Would you make more money? Would you create better results in your career, your job or your business? Would you be happier and more fulfilled?
As you embark on your journey, you will also discover these two things:
You will find some time to do what you need to do, you guessed it, from the time you will liberate from your answers to question #1.
As you start doing the things you have never done consistently, you will become someone who you have never been. It is not that you did not like those things at the beginning, it is that you love who you are becoming and the things will now be a reality in your life.
As Ralph W. Emerson once said, “That which we persist in doing becomes easier to do, not that the nature of the thing has changed, but our power to do so is increased.”
Success has a price, but so does failure. Choose wisely, release the hostage and enjoy who you become.
Edward A. Rodriguez is a coach, co-author and transformational trainer. He is founder and CEO of Better Graphics (a promotional products company) and In-Powerment! Center (an international training company for productivity and personal development). He is an NLP, HNLP, and neuro-strategy certified trainer. He has many certifications as a life and executive coach, serving clients in different countries. Edward has developed internationally known transformational programs and has co-authored books like “La Biblia de la Motivación” (“The Bible About Motivation”) and “Empowered,” which was co-written with other authors such as Wayne W. Dyer, John Assaraf (from the movie The Secret), Brian Tracy, etc. For more information, call 1-888-2-IN-POWER or write to