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Yoga Nona

Crescent Park in Laureate Park 8374 Upper Perse Cir, Orlando, FL, United States

A comfortably paced community yoga class that allows time for beginners to find their poses and advanced practitioners to find their edges. Open to all ages and skill levels! These […]

80’s Night at Boxi Park

Boxi Park

Step back in time to the best decade at 80s Night with The Headbang – 80s Hard Rock Show!

Sunlight Yoga at Dockside

Dockside Lake Nona 13623 Sachs Avenue, Orlando, United States

Classes are open to the community every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at Dockside in Laureate Park: 13623 Sachs Avenue, Orlando, Fla 32827. Times and Days: Mondays: 6 – 7 PM […]

Morning Meditation at Dockside

Dockside Lake Nona 13623 Sachs Avenue, Orlando, United States

This morning gathering is open to all, from beginners to practitioners with a well-established practice. We begin with a short meet and greet and then move into a 10-15-minute guided […]

Wine Down at Wave Hotel

Lake Nona Wave Hotel

Join us every Wednesday night from 5 – 8pm to sip on exquisite wines, savor artisanal cheeses and enjoy live music featuring your favorite jukebox hits at Living Room Bar. […]