Dog lovers, please welcome Nova, our newest transplant from the 14-degree weather in Minnesota to the Nonahood! Take off your coat, Nova!
A beautiful mix of Lab and English Setter with a fluffy tail, Nova is a rescue from a Facebook post. He was 9 weeks old when he arrived at his forever home. Now he is 9 years old and happy to be in the loving home of Tyne, a healthcare administrator, and her husband, Rod, a wind energy engineer.
Nova, ever the male pooch, will never be lost since – on his drive from Minnesota to Florida – he left his scent in every state he traveled through, including Iowa, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia and now, of course, Florida – where he intends to stay!
Tyne’s parents live in Laureate Park, and Nova is a frequent visitor to their home. Nova “nests” in a closet there after pulling down clothes on hangers. He never tries that at home! Grandparents are very tolerant!
Like all Labs and Lab mixes, Nova loves to swim and is learning NOT to go into the lakes here. Try explaining that one to a pooch who hasn’t seen alligators! New pooch pals are waiting for Nova at the Bark Parks, and he is expected to romp there soon.