Our August artist Galina Crosby Creese moved to the Lake Nona area with her family 12 years ago from London, England, where she was born and spent a majority of her life. Doubling as both artist and pilot, she keeps an active lifestyle and stays involved in several sporting activities around the community. You can check out her artwork in-person at The Barefoot Spa Orlando later this month.

Nonahood News: Tell us a little about your artistic background. What drove you to become an artist?

Galina Crosby Creese: I’ve been painting since I can remember, maybe from about age three.
NHN: Do you have any other passions besides art?
GCC: Yes, flying airplanes, love of animals, and sports.
NHN: How often do you find yourself creating art?
GCC: Most days. If I’m not painting, I find myself doodling and creating designs on anything I can find.

NHN: How long did it take you to discover your artistic style?
GCC: I developed a unique style when I was a child.
NHN: Which of your projects were the most challenging and why?
GCC: Some of the pet portraits were challenging as I had to work extra hard on getting an exact rendering of the soul of the pet.

NHN: Did your grandfather, George Keyt, have any influence in your artistic journey?
GCC: To an extent. I inherited a talent from him. I felt an expectation to be good at art, which wasn’t always a good thing.
NHN: What serves as your inspiration on a day-to-day basis?
GCC: Everyday sights inspire me. As a pilot, I see some unusual sights from the air. Other times, I get inspired by images of sunsets, nature, particular glimpses of the world. Music plays an important part, and I sometimes include instruments in paintings to create a particular mood. I like to create a fantasy world with beautiful images that will be uplifting.

NHN: Future goals/plans?
GCC: To get my work out to a wider audience so they can get pleasure from and enjoy the paintings.
For additional information or to take a look at more of Galina Crosby Creese’s work, visit fineartbygalina.com.