What do you want? Close your eyes. Place your hands over your heart and take three big breaths. Ask yourself: What do I want? What do I want? What do I want? Do you have an answer? Is your mind blank and you don’t know what you want? Can you quiet your mind to provide you with some clarity as to what you want? Did you judge your response? (Hint: try not to – … [Read more...]
Namaste With Natalia: Dancer Pose
Your Monthly Yoga Pose Natarajasana May is a month of celebration! In May, we honor, mothers, teachers, nurses, public service, and our national military. We celebrate prom, Memorial Day, and Cinco de Mayo, three events that usually contain music and dancing. Thus, this month’s pose is dancer pose, or natarajasana. Dancer pose is a vigorous balancing pose that … [Read more...]
Namaste With Natalia: Crow/Crane Pose
Your Monthly Yoga Pose Bakasana Spring has sprung! Spring brings sunshine, rainbows, flowers, bees and birds. April’s yoga pose of the month is crow pose (sometimes called crane), or bakasana in Sanskrit. Crow pose is a pose of strength and stability. It is a pose that can challenge beginner and expert yogis. Crow pose is an excellent base for poses like headstand and … [Read more...]
Work Well: Three Reasons to Bring Mindfulness to the Workplace
Mindfulness is a current buzzword. You can find the word “mindfulness” on newsstands and in magazines. The word “mindful” is thrown around regarding the way we speak, act, write and think. But, what is “mindfulness?” I can tell you that it is not a religion, although some of the teachings are rooted in Buddhist meditations. It is not mystic, and it … [Read more...]