We've got you COVERED! We have moved the Taste of Nona 2019 from the outdoor location behind Boxi Park to the other side at the bottom level of the Town Center parking garage in Lake Nona. Parking will also be covered! Ensuring a comfortable atmosphere for you, meet us at 6955 Lake Nona Blvd. The Lake Nona Regional Chamber of Commerce is a membership not-for-profit … [Read more...]
A Note From the CEO
September ended on a high note as we helped to welcome Lake Nona’s newest supermarket, Earth Fare, to the community as we celebrated their grand opening with a ribbon cutting on Sept. 29. The community welcomed this new chamber Stakeholder Partner to the area at 6:45 a.m. on a Saturday morning, and there were almost 800 people there. A spokesperson for Earth Fare said it was … [Read more...]