Author: Charles L. Grant Publisher: Harper Collins, 1994, 288 pages The X-Files TV show came on the air in 1993. Everything about it is amazing, and your counter-argument is invalid. I recently found four The X-Files novels at a library book sale and was so excited to see what adventures awaited. I decided to start with the first novel … [Read more...]
Short Stories | A Million Miles Away, Part Five: The Final Chapter
The exciting conclusion of the series, continued from the October 2018 edition of Nonahood News... Planet Earth still had hope. Even though it was destroyed 500 years ago, causing its remaining life to seek refuge and inhabit Mars, I knew a way to save it. My friend Pach spoke to me about the dark time when the Earth met its devastating fate. Its … [Read more...]
Short Stories: A Million Miles Away, Part Four
Continued from the September 2018 edition of Nonahood News... I was on Mars. The human race had been living here for the past 500 years. For some reason, Earth had diminished into nothing. It was ruined. I wished things hadn’t turned out this way, but they did. I connected with my friend Pach here on Mars. He was the only one left besides myself who was from Earth. … [Read more...]
Book Review: Cheyenne Raiders
Author: Robert Jordan as Jackson O'Reilly Publisher: Forge Books, 1982, 256 pages Robert Jordan is a very well-known author of the fantasy book series The Wheel of Time, beginning in 1990. He was able to complete 11 books in the series before he lost his battle with heart disease, cardiac amyloidosis, in 2007. He commissioned Brandon Sanderson to finish his epic story with … [Read more...]
Book Review — Mistborn: The Final Empire
Author: Brandon Sanderson Publisher: Tor Publishing, 2006, 541 pages After decades of many great fantasy books published, it might seem difficult to come up with something original. Sanderson really opens a new mechanic in his otherworldly fantasy in the Mistborn series. Allomancy is the ability that some people have to “burn” bits of metal they’ve consumed within a small … [Read more...]