Today’s the day you give back. You make your way into the Clean the World warehouse and immediately your senses are overcome with the fresh aromas of soap. Your sense of smell has been wiped clean. You see hundreds of others dedicating their free time to helping others. Some are unboxing and separating donated hygiene products like lotion, shampoo and conditioner. … [Read more...]
Rotary Means Business Is a Fellowship of Rotary International
What makes a business successful? The right timing, the right place and the right people. Nothing replaces hard work and dedication to customer service. Combining this formula with community service in your local area equals winning! The Rotary Club of Lake Nona lunch proudly hosted the area’s first Rotary Means Business Fellowship at Bosphorus last month. Rotary Means … [Read more...]
Supporting Families of Critically Ill Children The Rotary Club of Lake Nona Noon Sponsors a Guestroom at Ronald McDonald House
At its June year-end meeting, the Rotary Club of Lake Nona Noon announced it had fulfilled its sponsorship commitment of Room Number 15 at Ronald McDonald House, Lake Nona, a full six years ahead of schedule. In August 2016, the Lake Nona Noon Rotary Club made a seven-year commitment to sponsor Room Number 15, one of 15 rooms with private bathrooms for families of critically … [Read more...]
The Rotary Club of Lake Nona Lunch Sponsors a Guestroom at Ronald McDonald House
At its June year-end meeting, the Rotary Club of Lake Nona Noon announced it had fulfilled its sponsorship commitment of Room Number 15 at Ronald McDonald House, Lake Nona, a full six years ahead of schedule. In August 2016, the Lake Nona Noon Rotary Club made a seven-year commitment to sponsor Room Number 15, one of 15 rooms with private bathrooms for families of critically … [Read more...]
Rotary Club Embarks on 100 Random Acts of Kindness Tour
On April 22, you might have seen a large group of people wearing bright green shirts within the Lake Nona area. No, these weren’t some lost tourists but members of the Rotary Club of Lake Nona Lunch participating in a service project called “100 Random Acts of Kindness.” These “100 Random Acts of Kindness” coincide with Rotary International celebrating 100 years of changing … [Read more...]