So many of us here in Lake Nona come from different places and have different stories of how we wound up in the Nonahood. No two stories are the same, with each comprised of individuals making the choice to pick up and move from another part of Florida, another state, or even another country. This is How We Got Here, telling stories one at a time of how different families from … [Read more...]
Nona Your Neighbor: Lori Ciaravella
Lori Ciaravella and her husband, Chad, have been Lake Nona locals for just over a year. After growing up in Orlando, Lori is looking forward to seeing the continuing growth all throughout Orlando and Lake Nona. Get to know them below! NHN: What brought you to Lake Nona? LC: My husband manages an aviation simulator program near the airport. Since the greater Lake Nona area … [Read more...]
Nona Growth: Lake Nona Golf & Country Club
After more than 30 years of delivering high-quality living in Orlando, Lake Nona Golf & Country Club plans to expand with the addition of 54 estate home lots. Plans are to include exclusive access to the highly anticipated man-made lagoon. Situated along the southern side of Lake Nona – between the planned 250-room Lake Nona Resort and its 11-acre Crystal Lagoon – and … [Read more...]
Nona Growth: Tavistock Expands Lake Nona Footprint
In early May, Tavistock Development Company paid more than $63.885 million for the first 1,147 acres of the “Poitras Property.” Named after the original land owners, the sale comes after years of negotiations and planning with the City of Orlando. Located on the north side of Boggy Creek Road in southeast Orlando, the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority bought the land in … [Read more...]
Nona Alumni: Aaron Virgilio
In this recurring monthly special, Nonahood News will be featuring those who’ve graduated from Lake Nona High School and will recognize the achievements they’ve made since. Some will have been a part of the first graduating class. Others might have graduated a few years later. Few have stayed in the Lake Nona area, and many have explored the world or are still doing so. Let’s … [Read more...]