Last month, my wife, Michelle, and I celebrated 33 years of marriage. We have three adult children, two sons-in-law, and two precious grandsons. At this stage in our lives, we love to encourage and mentor young couples. Unfortunately, many of the couples we’ve spent time with have confessed to not having good examples or role models of what a strong, healthy marriage looks … [Read more...]
The Winning Family: Are You Following Your Dreams as a Family?
Where are you going as an individual, couple or family? Let me be more specific: Where are you going relationally, financially, morally, spiritually and professionally? What does the ideal future look like for you, your marriage and your kids? Andy Stanley says our direction, not our intention, determines our destination. Are you using your GPS (Goals, Passions, … [Read more...]
Family Shift: Five-Star Family
When it comes to fine dining, luxurious hotel accommodations, or other forms of service or travel, there is nothing that gives validation, credibility and trust to a brand than when they receive The International Star Diamond Award. It is the most prestigious emblem of achievement and true quality – an award many strive for but few obtain. What if there were some upgrades … [Read more...]
Family Shift: How to Create a Healthy Family Culture
One of my all-time favorite quotes is by the legendary speaker and author Zig Ziglar. He said, “It’s just as difficult to reach a destination you don’t have as it is to come back from a place you’ve never been.” In other words, how can you arrive at your preferred destination or desired outcome if you don’t know where you’re going? The same is true for your marriage and … [Read more...]
Family Shift: How to Get on the Same Page in Your Marriage
I have always been fascinated by watching the teamwork of rowing. At first glance, it doesn’t look all that impressive watching eight people sitting on their “rears” going backward. However, the alignment, synchrony and precision of all eight blades hitting the water at the exact same time flawlessly is pretty impressive as they glide across the water. It’s the perfect … [Read more...]