We’re a month into a brand-new year. How are we doing, team? I’m just now emerging from a haze…induced by overly hectic holiday celebrations and that flu virus that hung on for ages. So while the calendar reads February, it’s feeling more like January 1. My desire to set fresh goals in ’25 is coupled with overwhelming piles of new stuff that landed in my house from well-meaning … [Read more...]
Nona.Life.Style: Easy Outfits for August
It's that time of year again. We grudgingly flip the calendar from lazy vacation days to looming fall deadlines, bracing ourselves for the uphill struggle that is August. The next few weeks may be pure chaos as we drag ourselves (and our kids) back into stricter schedules and return to the full-time grind of work, school, routines and rhythms. Amid this annual chaos, we could … [Read more...]
Nona.Life.Style: Sassy Spring Trends (to Copy Now)
This is our window, friends. Before long, we will be sweltering and donning swimsuits and flip-flops. But now – right now – this pause before relentless heat is an opportunity to showcase some sassy, spring style. I recently had the pleasure of volunteering at the Kids Beating Cancer Hats and Roses Luncheon and Fashion Show. And lucky me (and you!), we were treated to a … [Read more...]
Nona. Life. Style: Wardrobe Resolutions
Congratulations, you made it! And I don’t mean through the year. I mean, you made it through the week. Doesn’t the first week of January feel like such a time warp? Is this still vacation mode or are we back to real life? Should we be working now? How much cheese have we eaten? As we emerge from the fog of the holiday aftermath and our charcuterie coma, we turn our … [Read more...]
Nona. Life. Style: Fall Fashion Formulas
I’m not much into football. (Shocker, I know.) But I can certainly get behind a good game plan when it comes to getting dressed. With all the parties, outings and festivities coming up this month, I want to share some easy outfit formulas. These easy-to-replicate combos will help you score a winning look this season. Annnnnd just in case you prefer to dress shop somewhere that … [Read more...]