Are you waiting for all lights to be green before you start that important project, accomplish that goal, or make that life-changing decision you have been postponing for the longest time? I am not referring to wanting to be cautious and acting in a responsible manner before embarking on a new venture. Rather, I am referring to being a perfectionist, which leads … [Read more...]
Get In-Powered!: Are You Unconsciously Capping Your Success This Year?
One of the most important inventions of the Industrial Revolution was the steam engine, which paved the way for the steam locomotive. An interesting belief back in that era was that women’s bodies were not designed to go above 50 miles per hour, or their uterus would fly out of their bodies. It was thought that human bodies would explode or melt at that speed. For this reason, … [Read more...]
Get In-Powered! The Decision That Could Make 2019 Your Best Year Ever!
Are you tired of making new year’s resolutions that die out before January is over? Do you want to move from resolution to "done" and make history this year? Driving around Florida, you cannot help but notice the large and picturesque live oak trees. They can grow up to 60 feet tall with a spread of around 100 feet even though they come from a small seed inside of an … [Read more...]
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Could Your Past Hold the Answer to Your Best Future? Have you ever felt that you needed "more of you" in order to achieve that important project or fulfill that desired dream? Have you ever said to yourself, "If only I had more willpower, better self-esteem, more resilience, or more discipline I would be getting more out of life." Not long ago, I was having a coaching … [Read more...]
Get In-Powered! | Change This Question and Change Your Life
If you have been reading or attending seminars about personal development for a while, you have probably heard the following question: If you had only six months to live, what would you do differently? The purpose of this question is to help you reflect on your true priorities when faced with the ominous perspective of only six months to live. It is common to hear people … [Read more...]