Well, it’s quite simple. All you have to do is live in Central Florida, where we can grow vegetables 12 months out of the year. The best time to plant your fall garden is in September or the beginning of October. When the rest of the country is packing up their gardens in November, ours will just be taking off. We can grow fall vegetables all the way through March when we will … [Read more...]
In the Garden: How to Get the Most Out of Your Summer Garden
We’re in the home stretch as far as the summer gardens go. Anyone who has held out to this point and is still producing vegetables really understands how and what to grow in Central Florida in the summertime. In our Laureate Park Gardening Workshop, we harvested some beautiful petite white eggplants. Eggplants really thrive in the Florida heat, just like okra and peppers. … [Read more...]
In the Garden: How Hot Is Your Summer Garden?
The Summer Heat Is Here, and It’s Time to Transition to a Summer Vegetable Garden The Florida heat is here as we get up into the 90s each day. The lettuce, basil and cilantro have all bolted up to the sky and started to flower. Not to mention the havoc it wreaks on cucumbers, squash and zucchini plants. The bolting of heat-sensitive plants can cause low yield for the … [Read more...]