In a similar fashion to its neighbor, Lake Nona, Sunbridge has introduced its newest informational center for residents and visitors called Basecamp. Basecamp will be the go-to place for those looking for entertainment and information about the neighborhood they live in. Basecamp embraces the nature-forward theme of the region and is styled after a campsite. Here, … [Read more...]
Sunbridge Community Arrives to Orange and Osceola Counties
Sunbridge, a new region emerging from the developers of Lake Nona, announced the standards and amenities that will set apart their second, single-family residential neighborhood, Weslyn Park. The community encompasses more than 27,000 acres in both Orange and Osceola counties. Weslyn Park’s first phase will include 577 homes at build-out, located just south of the Lake … [Read more...]
AdventHealth Becomes Exclusive Health Partner for New Retirement Community
AdventHealth has partnered with the up-and-coming Lake Nona retirement community Del Webb Sunbridge to serve as the exclusive wellness ambassadors. These AdventHealth wellness ambassadors will serve as guides to residents to help them navigate the healthcare system and offer fitness training and wellness classes as well as spa services exclusively for the … [Read more...]