As we wrapped up 2020, Laureate Park Longhorns continued to stay flexible while we learned both in-person and online. In November, we hosted our first virtual book fair. While it might have felt a little different, the end result was the same: great books in the hands of our amazing readers and lots of new books for our media center.
Our second-grade students studied Native American culture and gave some amazing presentations that included facts on totem poles, teepees, buffalo, Chickees, and more. We all loved learning new facts about the Native American culture.
Laureate Park’s PTA has been busy providing some awesome resources to our students and staff. Through the School Tool Box purchases at the beginning of the school year, the Laureate Park PTA was able to give 192 meals through Feed My Starving Children. A big effort between the PTA and Laureate Park art teacher Lori Daly allowed all our students – face-to-face and LaunchEd – to create a special art canvas for their families for the holidays.
Our second and third graders participated in virtual field trips with the Central Florida Arts. Our third graders were treated to a virtual concert from the Orlando Symphony, and our second graders were treated to a performance of The Nutcracker by the Orlando Ballet.