This school is starting like none other, but the Longhorn Spirit is still alive at Laureate Park Elementary School. This year, we welcomed students attending school face-to-face and online through the OCPS LaunchEd model. Things may look and feel a little different, but all our students are bringing their best, and lots of learning is occurring.
Laureate Park teachers and staff nominated and voted on Teacher of the Year, fourth grade teacher Angela West, and Support Person of the Year, Robert Napoles from custodial services.
Laureate Park Elementary’s PTA has been supporting our teachers and students since the school year began. Before school started, the PTA gave each teacher a grant to start the school year. In addition, the PTA supported the teachers with additional PPE. PTA’s “Freeze Pop Friday” kicked off at the beginning of September for the students. They offer this fun activity for both face-to-face and LaunchEd students.