Do You Have a Vision for Your Family?
Several years ago, my family took a summer vacation to Steamboat Springs, Colo. It was beautiful! We did lots of hiking, horseback riding and whitewater rafting. As we were hiking one day, my in-laws, along with our younger nieces and nephews, became tired. They decided to ride the gondola back down the mountain. My wife and I, along with our middle child, decided to walk down the mountain. We chose a walking path starting at the top near the gondola. Using the gondola as our point of reference, we followed the path we thought would lead us back down to the base. Two hours later, the path that we chose took us about five miles away from the base below. We ended up in a random neighborhood. Needless to say, by the time we walked all the way back into town to the base of the gondola, we were exhausted. We knew where we were wanting to go, but unfortunately we ended up taking the wrong path.
Author and speaker Andy Stanley says, “Direction, not intention, determines your destination.” It doesn’t matter how sincere our intentions are. We can’t arrive at our desired destination if we’re moving in the wrong direction. What direction are you headed? What direction is your marriage headed? How about your family?
Every family ends up somewhere, but few families end up somewhere on purpose. What if there was a way for you to reach the destination you desired in your most important relationships?
The good news is you can. How? Start with the end in mind. Ask yourself, what is my mission and vision for my life, my marriage and my family? No matter where you are in life, you can still start with the end in mind. Here are three things you can do to get started:
1. Define Your Vision and Mission for Your Family
When people lose their why, they lose their way! Every individual, marriage and family needs to define their “why.” What is your purpose? What is your mission and vision for your most important relationships?
Mission speaks to WHY you exist…your purpose.
Vision speaks to WHERE you are going.
A clear mission and vision will provide us with…
No matter what age or stage of life you’re in, it’s never too late to start with the end in mind. You might already be an “empty nester” or already have grandchildren. Answer this question: What do you want your legacy to be? What are your mission and vision for the next 10-20 years? How do you want your loved ones to remember you? Like the old saying, “Nobody plans to fail, we fail to plan.”
2. Write It Down
One of the reasons why it’s so important to write down our mission and vision is because vision leaks. We forget! That is why we have to say it, spray it, wheel it and deal it until everyone can feel it! The noise from our culture and the pace of our lives are competing for our time and attention. There is something about putting our mission and vision in writing that helps us stay on track.
Why writing down your vision and mission is so important…
It will force you to clarify what you want.
It will motivate you to take action.
It will provide a filter for other opportunities.
It will help you overcome resistance.
It will enable you to see and celebrate your progress.
Let me encourage you to go to our website at and download a free worksheet. Use it to help you write down your mission and vision as a family. Vision always requires a shift, a change from where you are now to where you want to be in the future. Vision is a destination!
3. Start Living It Out
Imagine if we defined our mission and vision for our most important relationships. Imagine getting your family unified around a clear vision of your desired future. Imagine how it would feel to have more purpose, fulfillment and intentionality.
Every family ends up somewhere, but few families end up somewhere on purpose. Let’s make the SHIFT!
Rodney Gage is an author, speaker and the founding pastor of ReThink Life Church. His passion is to help people live life on purpose. To learn more, check out