1. Always have back-up rolls of toilet paper. 2. Thank the healthcare workers. All. The. Time. They’re superheroes. 3. Keep hand sanitizer on your person always! Why did we ever go out without it? 4. Go outside and take a walk. I promise it’ll help. 5. Zoom happy … [Read more...]
Editor’s Note: Morning Pages
I’ve had my fair share of writer’s block over the years. It happens, even to those who aren’t even “writers.” How many of us have inched closer to a deadline for an essay and still sat in front of a computer with a blank document and an even more blank expression on our face? I’ve had many days where I just look at the ceiling and pray that the combination of coffee and luck … [Read more...]
Editor’s Note: Getting Into the Spirit
With the holidays quickly rounding the corner, I can’t help getting excited about being festive and spreading the holiday cheer! Now is the time to get inventive and creative and to think about how we could still make our favorite days special after all the crazy ups and downs we’ve gone through during this year. Even if morale is low, it might be a good idea to try and put in … [Read more...]
Editor’s Note: New Beginnings
Welcome to August, everyone! I can’t believe we’re already approaching back-to-school season, sports are returning, and lifted restrictions are enabling us to have a more normalized routine – as long as we social distance, sanitize, and use our masks. Who would have thought this is right where we would be at the end of the summer. I was talking to a friend the other day … [Read more...]
Editor’s Note: Productive and Positive
One month down of quarantine. I know, just reading that sentence probably made you want to stop reading. We’ve seen more than enough of the word “quarantine” and the other word that shares a name with a certain Mexican beer. It’s easy to tire of the news and every miniscule update. I’ve tried to push out the same crippling thoughts surrounding those two words and instead focus … [Read more...]