Believe it or not, I am a pretty simple girl. It doesn’t take much to make me happy. Happiness for me is the feel and smell of fresh, clean sheets on your bed, a cup of coffee, and a book to read when it is raining, CHEESECAKE, and a good pedicure! Oh, and date night with my hubby, of course. With this knowledge in mind and wanting to STEP up his date night game, Hubby surprised me with a coupon for us BOTH to get pedicures (and manicures, too). How sweet is that? He is a keeper!

Now, I know a few folks out there may be raising their eyebrows right now thinking no way they would go to a spa, with their sweetie or not. But hear me out. Getting a pedicure is so much more than painting your toes candy apple red. A pedicure spa date is about self-care, relaxing, and experiencing something that your partner may enjoy … WITH THEM. It’s also about showing some love to a body part that is often forgotten. Don’t your poor feet, the ones that help you work, pump iron at the gym, run, bike, and walk you wherever you need to go deserve the same occasional deluxe care as the rest of your body? A pedicure is not just some fluffy, unneeded luxury; it can be a therapeutic treatment for your feet that softens hard skin and shapes and treats your toenails. Not to mention, it can be a lot of fun! Just look at those pictures of my guy! Okay, maybe don’t look at his pictures …

The good news is that it is not hard to find a place for this date to happen. Heck, there is practically a nail salon on every corner to choose from in Lake Nona. Hubby chose the place I usually get my nails done, which also provides wine and really makes for a fun date. We opted for the basic package for him (he didn’t want to get anywhere near the paraffin wax) and a deluxe for me. The ladies sat us next to each other, and we sipped while we soaked. I finally convinced Hubby to try out the seat massage. He was not amused with the rollers on his bottom side, so we quickly programmed it to back only. After I stopped laughing, that is. Sorry, it was amusing.
Then, the actual pedicure began. If you have never had one and are not sure what to expect, let me explain. While pedicurists are different and packages vary, the basics are usually the same. After soaking in a tub of warm water, your toenails will get clipped and shaped. Any icky stuff that shouldn’t be there will get painlessly removed. The dead skin on the bottom of your toes and feet will be scraped (I know this sounds awful, but it just tickles a bit) until your footsies reach a level of softness you didn’t know existed. Then, usually some soothing gels and/or lotions are then rubbed on your feet, ankles, and lower leg, and a heavenly massage you wish never ended will occur. By this time, Hubby was so into it that he even told them to apply clear nail polish on his toes. It was so cute! The manicure was basically the same, but you know, with hands!

We left the spa feeling relaxed and with pretty nails and toes. It was a simple date yet a very bonding time. It was fun to share something I enjoy with him. Of course, you know what that means? Next time, I get to try something he enjoys that is normally out of my element. That will be more than okay with me, too, because if it messes up my manicure, he knows where to take me to fix it!