Sungold Gardens was opened with the purpose of spreading health throughout the community. As we are becoming a more health-conscious society, everyone wants to know what is really in their food and what does “organic” really mean. Owner of Sungold Gardens, Amber Harmon, tried vegetable gardening and met challenge after challenge in Central Florida; from soil that lacks the nutrients to grow to weeds, bugs and other pests. Growing a traditional vegetable garden takes daily care and attention.
Determined to find a better way, she left an established 15-year career in Information Technology project management to pursue a passion for health and organic vegetable education for everyone in the community. Amber collaborated with local companies such as Farm Daddy and developed a low-maintenance gardening system that reduces gardening challenges with an elevated, self-watering, no weeding gardening system for your home or business. The garden is 3’ by 6’ and fits nicely inside a screened-in pool or any backyard. The garden has an attractive design and comes in white or natural wood stain to match any outdoor décor. She will deliver the garden to your home and set it up with starter plants and seeds that you choose from a list of seasonal vegetables.
Then, for families and business owners that just do not have the time or experience to take care of a vegetable garden, even with a low-maintenance system, she added the Standard Garden Service to her business model. The garden service is every other week. Amber will not only guarantee the health of your vegetables, but she also will educate your family and children on how to grow and harvest vegetables. Just remember, “Children that grow their vegetables eat their vegetables.” The vegetable selection in the garden is refreshed for each season, and this is all included in the standard service. This ensures year-round variety so your family will not get tired of a certain vegetable. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy a bountiful harvest of organic, non-GMO vegetables.
One of the benefits of having your own organic vegetable garden is that you know exactly what organic means. Amber only uses organic, non-GMO and heirloom seeds. She also uses organic soil and fertilizer. This is coupled with the gardening philosophy that putting the right plant in place and focusing on the health of the plant prevents most of the pest issues faced in a traditional in-ground garden. With Sungold Gardens, you will know and see everything that goes into your vegetable garden, so you can trust that it is organically grown.
When vegetables are grown with nutrient-rich organic soil and picked fresh from the garden, they provide the highest level of nutrition for your family. The clients of Sungold Gardens never wonder how long their vegetables sat on a grocery shelf or what treatments they had for transportation. These vegetables go straight from the garden to the table.
As the holidays approach and you are driving by the Laureate Park Community Gardens thinking about how much your family could benefit from fresh vegetables if you only had the time, remember there is another option. Sungold Gardens is here for all of your organic vegetable gardening needs.
