Children and adolescents in foster care face many difficult challenges. Often, they do not have consistency in their life, which can be very important to a child’s development and mental wellbeing.
Becoming a foster parent or adoptive parent means a person can change the course of a child’s life, and while it can be difficult, the rewards are great and there is an overwhelming number of children in Florida who are in need of a temporary or permanent home. In fact, each year there are 18,000 to 20,000 children in Florida who are not able to live with their biological parents and are in need of a temporary loving home.

For more than 25 years in Florida, Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health helps make those connections for local children in the foster care system. Devereux Florida serves children and families in more than 35 counties throughout the state in partnership with the Florida Department of Children and Families and local community-based care organizations, like our local Community Based Care of Central Florida.
So, why should you become a foster parent? Frances Soctomah can tell you firsthand why she became one.
Deciding to Become a Foster Parent
Frances Soctomah has been welcoming children removed from their homes into hers for more than 30 years. She decided to become a foster parent because she had four young children of her own and had a hard time finding reliable caregivers to watch her children while she worked. She began working mornings so she would be home when the kids came home from school. While at home one day, she saw a commercial on television that detailed children in need of loving homes. She became interested, called and then was hooked on wanting to provide a temporary home for children in need. “I just simply can’t stop,” Frances says. “I love what I do. I love watching the kids’ growth – it is just wonderful!”
Becoming a Foster Parent
Every child deserves a safe, stable, loving home like yours. There is a great need for foster parents in the Central Florida area. If you are interested in making a positive impact in a child’s life, Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Florida will provide the support you need to become a foster parent. By opening your home and your heart, you are giving kids in need a chance at fulfilling their potential and enjoying a life of success.
For more information about becoming a Devereux Foster Parent, email