The Phoenix are flying through the new school year. We started the year with a newly designed cafeteria. Students and staff are enjoying the “café” vibe as it’s a great place to socialize over lunch. IMS was the first middle school in Orange County to get this upgrade.
The IMS Drama Department will present The Frogs: A Modern Adaption this month. This funny retelling of a Greek Classic includes many modern references and features appearances by Shakespeare and Jane Austen. Showtimes are Oct. 10, 11, and 12 at 7 p.m. and a special matinee at 2 p.m. on Oct. 12. Tickets are on sale now at www.teachtix.com/ims.
PTSA is planning the FALL BALL for Oct. 25. It’s the biggest fundraiser of the year to help generate funds for our school. To help make this dance a success, we need lots of help from parents and ADDITIONS-approved volunteers. Send a note to President@innovationmiddleptsa.org if you have decorating ideas, want to help, or have creepy Halloween décor we can borrow.

PTSA hosts many fun events and fundraisers during the year to help support the school. All parents and members of the community are encouraged to join. Membership is just $10 and includes a discount card with special deals and local discounts for PTSA members. IMS students are welcome to join and participate in meetings and events.
The next General Meeting of the PTSA will be on Nov. 14. Follow us on Facebook for breaking news.

Enjoy the fall, Phoenix. It’s flying by.