Today, we will take a look at some common questions (and misconceptions) that many people have when dealing with children and picky eaters. As a feeding expert, I will dive into some tricky issues dealing with fussy eaters and help get your child on a path to easier mealtimes. There is so much advice out there; it is hard to know where to turn or which advice to follow. Luckily, I have been listening to your concerns and am here to offer guidance and suggestions as you navigate your way through this tough road of getting your hesitant eater to try new foods and thrive!
Q: Is it ever too late to get help for my picky eater? My child is 12 and still only eats like five foods. Is therapy only for little ones?
A: No! Many feeding therapists often see children who are older and can make significant gains. Many times, older children with feeding difficulties may have undiagnosed conditions that make eating so challenging they struggle with it their entire lives. A feeding evaluation or therapy can help these issues come to light and may provide some real answers and help.
Q: My child is “picky.” I am not sure if it is a sensory thing or maybe behavioral. Is it always one thing or the other?
A: Not always. Many times, sensory issues, like not wanting certain textures in our mouths, can lead to behavioral issues down the road. For example, if a child is young and does not like the feel of an egg in his mouth, he may appear to have “behaviors” like screaming or spitting out food because he cannot verbally express what he likes. Over time, this screaming and spitting out occurs more and more during meals, and the child will develop many behaviors in response to aversions. That is why it is so important to get to the root cause of your child’s feeding difficulties and why it is crucial that you find a professional who knows how to work with both sensory AND behavioral feeding challenges.
Q: If I give my child a variety of foods as a baby/toddler, they will automatically love a variety of foods. That is what I have always heard. Is that true?
A: Absolutely not. No. It is time to spread the word and stop all of the parental guilt surrounding picky eating! You can give your child the world in terms of food variety when they are young, and you can still end up with a severely fussy or hesitant eater. While exposure is super important and highly recommended, no amount of exposure at 18 months old can guarantee a super adventurous eater at four years old.
Q: My child has a diagnosis of Autism. Is it normal for him to also have eating challenges with this type of diagnosis?
A: It is extremely common for children on the Autistic spectrum to also have some type of feeding challenge. While it may be sensory in nature, behavior, oral motor functioning, or a combination, children with ASD often have special feeding concerns that may need therapy to overcome. You might hear the following:
- My son will eat fries but ONLY from McDonalds.
- My daughter can drink from a cup but only red ones.
- My child only likes smooth foods (or hot, cold, crunchy) foods.
This is not unusual at all, and in fact, while selective eating among children with neurotypical development ranges from 10-35% (Reau, Senturia, Lebailly, & Christoffel, 1996; Wright, Parkinson, Shipton, & Drewett, 2007), the prevalence in children with ASD ranges from 46-89% (Ledford & Gast, 2006).
As you can see, there are a number of questions out there regarding pediatric feeding challenges! Please let us know your thoughts and what questions you may be having with your big or little ones, and Kelly would be happy to answer them!