Are you tired of making new year’s resolutions that die out before January is over? Do you want to move from resolution to “done” and make history this year?
Driving around Florida, you cannot help but notice the large and picturesque live oak trees. They can grow up to 60 feet tall with a spread of around 100 feet even though they come from a small seed inside of an acorn that is 0.39″-2.39″ long. That’s amazing, is it not?
Before this seed could turn into this majestic tree, before it could shower us with its magnificent shade, it had to make a decision. Without this decision, it would not be what it could be, it would never grow to where it could grow, nor would it ever exploit its full potential.
What is the decision?
It has to decide to stop being a seed!!!
It has to break with what is comfortable and known. It has to grow down and deep before it can grow up and tall. It has to let go of what it has been in order to become what it could be.
Normally, New Year’s resolutions don’t work because they are not decisions. They are not commitments. They are not conscious plans that take into consideration what you have to start and stop doing … they are nothing more than ideals that evaporate with the morning fog.
Do you want to move from making resolutions to achieving goals?
- Decide what you want (your goal).
Be clear and specific. This is the image impregnated on the seed. It grows according to this image. It will never exceed it.
A live oak could not decide to be something other than an oak tree, but you can decide who you want to be and what you want to accomplish, so make sure you dream big. Yeah, yeah, you have to be realistic, but be careful … reality is subjective. A lot of the things that have been created by others were once “impossible dreams.”
- Make a plan.
Stop being a seed. Move from intention and potential to make your tree a reality. It is time to “grow down” before you “grow up.” You need to develop a root system that can support your goal, your dream, your resolution. Aside from an action plan, your root system should take the following into consideration:
- Your Mindset: What set of attitudes and beliefs do you have to let go of and acquire in order to make your resolutions a reality?
- Your Skillset: What specific skills do you have to acquire without which your resolutions will never see the light of the day? What books do you need to read? What seminars do you need to attend?
- The Toolset: What tools do you need that will make it easier for you to accomplish your resolutions?
- The Set (your environment): What changes do you have to make in your environment such that your resolutions could have the proper attention and care? This could be in your house or your office. What new people do you have to meet? What associations do you need to belong to?
- Keep taking action until you bear fruit.
Stay focused. You have never seen a live oak tree with depression because it was not a bald cypress tree. They grow because they can. And, so can you.
The main reason the above philosophy and strategy has worked for me and my students is because it addresses two fundamental paths that should be undertaken if you are to attain your most important objectives: the path of achievement (your resolution) and the path of transformation (who you need to become in order to attain it).
It may not be easy, but you can make it worth it. It may seem hard, but not harder than remaining an unfulfilled seed.
Grow tall, be strong and make history this 2019. Happy New Year!
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Edward A. Rodriguez is a coach, co-author and transformational trainer. He is founder and CEO of Better Graphics (a promotional products company) and In-Powerment! Center (an international training company for productivity and personal development). He is an NLP, HNLP, and neuro-strategy certified trainer. He has many certifications as a life and executive coach, serving clients in different countries. Edward has developed internationally known transformational programs and has co-authored books like La Biblia de la Motivación (The Bible About Motivation) and Empowered, which was co-written with other authors such as Wayne W. Dyer, John Assaraf (from the movie The Secret), Brian Tracy, etc. For more information, call 1-888-2-IN-POWER or write to