Lake Nona Community Newspaper, Creatively and Independently Produced by the Residents of Lake Nona
Date: Saturday, May 14
Location: Wycliffe Bible Translators
11221 John Wycliffe Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32832
Time: Discovery Center tours start at 3:00 p.m.
Concert: 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Cost: FREE for tours and concert
Join your Z at Wycliffe’s Discovery Center on Saturday, May 14 for a free concert with Z artist 7eventh Time Down! Come hang out with your friends Ellis and Tyler from Z88.3 Mornings along with Suzanne from Z88.3 Afternoons and Tom Dupree from Z88.3 Evenings. Concerts begin at 5 p.m. with Among the Thirsty, David Dunn and Natasha Owen.
The event is free for the whole family including the concerts and tours of Wycliffe’s Discovery Center. Food Trucks will also be on site with food for purchase.
For more about Wycliffe, please visit their website.
About Day for the Unreached*:
Did you know that 2 billion people have never heard the good news…that Jesus came to seek and save the lost. That’s why your Z is partnering with Wycliffe, who is working hard to translate the Bible into every last language people are speaking on Earth. For more information on the Day for the Unreached, please visit their website here.
Wycliffe’s Discovery Center*:
Experience the amazing story of the Bible at the Wycliffe Discovery Center. Encounter people, languages, and cultures you’ve never seen before. Use all of your senses as you learn about the art and science of Bible translation through award-winning multimedia and games. Discover how the Bible has been preserved throughout history—and how God is using Wycliffe it to bring the Bible to the 2 billion unreached. The Discovery Center is usually only open on weekdays and there is normally a fee for admission. For this special event, Wycliffe is opening their Discovery Center at 3:00 p.m. to offer free tours during this event.
*A Love Offering will be taken throughout the event to benefit International Day for the Unreached.
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