One month down of quarantine. I know, just reading that sentence probably made you want to stop reading. We’ve seen more than enough of the word “quarantine” and the other word that shares a name with a certain Mexican beer. It’s easy to tire of the news and every miniscule update. I’ve tried to push out the same crippling thoughts surrounding those two words and instead focus on remaining productive and positive while at home.
What has kept me productive and positive? Everything! What isn’t exactly productive keeps me positive or vice versa. Working from home keeps me grounded in a normal routine while going on a walk to get fresh air keeps me positive and content. I’ve found that everything I’ve been doing falls into either of those two categories, and for that, I feel fortunate and grateful. For example, binge-watching the Netflix show Too Hot to Handle keeps me positive – or at least positively laughing because of the accents and reality show dramatics. The number of iMessage games I play with friends and family is a great distraction and keeps me busy, even though some of them are sore losers (don’t hate the player, guys). And live-streams and Zoom/FaceTime calls help when I just miss a social night out. The days started passing by more quickly, too, once I promised myself that I would come out the other side of this quarantine having been productive and positive.
Most of our articles in this May edition naturally touch on the same topic. This month’s “Creator Mindset” and “Work Well” give motivating insight for our mind and outlook to remain strong. “Tough Things to Talk About” presents information about how we can help out in the community, even if it’s little by little. If you’re in a lighter mood, “Zen and the Art of Being Online” pokes fun about falling down the Internet rabbit hole, and “One Date at a Time” exemplifies how we can continue to make amazing, lifelong memories. Thankfully, our community shares the same sentiment of refusing to let life pause just because of a little shake-up from the norm. We hope you, too, stay safe, positive, and productive at home!