I’m a perfectionist. I freely admit this and accept this aspect of my personality. I recognize it as a strength in my career and an asset my employers have appreciated, even if it is sometimes annoying. However, anyone in the print media industry knows that letting go of the imperfections is critical to your sanity! Our online articles and social media posts can be edited and corrected or deleted in a moment. Print, however, has an almost eternal weight because it can be preserved for hundreds of years. This can be a heavy burden for a managing editor, as every single edition will have at least one minor flaw, no matter how strong our editorial team and process is.
Sometimes, the misprints can’t go unnoticed, so this month I write to share an oversight that must be publicly corrected. If I could find every copy of the 19,500 prints we made with a red pen or Sharpie in hand, I would do that. But I can’t, so I hope this note will suffice.
Each month, we search the area for a local artist to feature on the cover of either our main or entertainment sections of the paper. It has been an intriguing, fun and inspiring adventure to find so many talented artists in our city! May 2018 was no exception as we interviewed Alejandra Tobon and learned about this Colombian-born, biomedical science student at UCF and her view of art and music.
Ms. Tobon provided us with several high-quality images of samples of her artwork, but somehow a couple of pieces that were not hers got mixed up into the files. How this happened is still a mystery, but we have been doing some investigative work to figure out who to credit for the May cover artwork.
The artwork you see on page 16 of the May 2018 main section is in fact Alejandra’s original artwork. However, the cover image is not hers. We’ve tracked the piece to a juice company called Sun365 based only in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. How strange is that? We reached out to the company and discovered the not-so-local artist’s identity: Juste Urbonavičiūtė.
On behalf of the entire Nonahood News family, I want to tell you how sorry we are, Alejandra, that we misrepresented you and your art. This mistake was unintentional, and we’re so sorry! We want you to know how grateful we are that you are part of this community and were so willing to share your inspiring story with the Nonahood! We wish you all the success in the world with your art, finishing your college education, and your websites set to launch this summer!
As far as the surprise cover artist from Lithuania, Juste Urbonavičiūtė’s work and bio can be found at https://kissiussuki.com. And if you happened to miss the feature on last month’s artist, check her out here: https://nonahoodnews.com/artist-alejandra-tobon/.
Thank you, Alejandra, for reminding us that “Todo tiene arreglo” or “Everything can be fixed” is a phrase that we should all live by! Thank you for being you!
With the beginning of summer, we celebrate grads and dads. We congratulate and applaud the high school and college graduates this month! We look to you in awe and filled with hope as you are our future! And to all the fathers in the Nonahood, we honor and thank you for the protection, security, strength and goodness you provide to our families and community. Happy Father’s Day to you!
We hope you enjoy our June edition with all its inspiring stories, helpful information, lifestyle tips, entertainment and colorful lives and images! This is YOU, Lake Nona, and you should be proud!