Lake Nona is rapidly becoming known as a hub of innovation within the greater Central Florida region and beyond. As this vibrant community grows, drawing in nascent talent and innovation, there is a rising tide of youthful energy. Who better to cultivate this melding of youth and tech than the Institute of Aesthetic Surgery (IAS)?
Founded nearly 20 years ago, IAS has built its reputation on caring, quality service with an eye toward the future. IAS has a long tradition of introducing innovative methods for the preservation and restoration of the vigor that we enjoy in our youth and strive for as we age. In 1513, Ponce de Leon landed in what is today Florida seeking the fabled Fountain of Youth. He was well ahead of his time, but we here at IAS believe he was not far off.
Lasers in medicine, and particularly in plastic surgery, have been the foundation of the Institute, which continues to research and promote restorative science. Ultrasound, radiofrequency and electromagnetic rejuvenation are supplementing lasers as a source of rejuvenating technology and pushing the practice forward into the next century. Tightening of tissues accompanies the reversal of aging enzymes and potential malignant degeneration. Function improves along with appearance. The advent and advancement of radiant energy and other technologies have even introduced the possibility of restoring cell youth and longevity, turning back the clock and reversing the ravages of age.
In 1983, Dr. Gregory began research with the laser as an associate professor of surgery at the University of Cincinnati. He is a pioneer in laser cutaneous surgery, an innovator in skin resurfacing. He has published extensively on laser cosmetic surgery and has won many awards for his work in laser blepharoplasty. He has taught laser surgery throughout the world. Dr. Gregory has practiced in the Central Florida area for over 25 years and receives referrals from around the world because of his laser and facial rejuvenation work.
Laser, ultrasound, electromagnetic and microstimulation are being augmented with Embrace, EMSculpt, EMSella, Sculpsure, Neograft, and PRP – terms which, while foreign to some, are becoming increasingly familiar to our youth-conscious society. Aided by a deeply caring and competent staff, Doctors Richard Gregory, Roxanne Sylora, and Donovan Rosas delve into the realm of science fiction, introducing and perfecting the wonders of medical science to deliver what can only be described as anti-aging miracles.
Tomorrow will bring new and almost unbelievable advancements in the arena of restorative medicine, and IAS will be there to deliver it to you. Visit our website at as well as our Facebook Page and see the promises of tomorrow made real today. IAS has developed an outstanding reputation locally for our outstanding skills, honesty, and excellent service. Patients from around the world seek our expertise, and medical professionals often visit to learn from us. We are making yesterday’s dreams today’s reality and tomorrow’s history. We do more than make people beautiful; we are changing lives. Let us help change yours. We are empowering YOU!
Over 400 years ago, an Italian plastic surgeon, Gaspar Tagliacozzi, said, “We replace, restore and refashion what nature (God) has given but chance has taken away, not so much to please the eye, but to restore the person to his/her rightful place in society.” What would Tagliacozzi say today? Welcome to the future of Lake Nona. Welcome to IAS!