We’re a month into a brand-new year. How are we doing, team? I’m just now emerging from a haze…induced by overly hectic holiday celebrations and that flu virus that hung on for ages. So while the calendar reads February, it’s feeling more like January 1. My desire to set fresh goals in ’25 is coupled with overwhelming piles of new stuff that landed in my house from well-meaning … [Read more...]
Nona. Life. Style: Your Holiday Style Survival Guide
It’s that magical time of year again! The special month that will push you to your very brink and require every ounce of mental, emotional and physical fortitude you have. This month, your job description expands to include Party Host, Executive Chef, Christmas Play Costumer, Gingerbread House Architect, Santa’s Secret Shopper, and bringer of all things holiday magic to the … [Read more...]
Nona. Life. Style: Style Swaps for Your Millennial Makeover
If you feel like high school was yesterday, but your daily pill case and assorted eye creams tell a different story, then lean in close this month, my friend. We’re tackling the age-old problem of…well…age. Living in a community that celebrates health, vitality, and youth, it's only fitting that we explore how to refresh our wardrobe to keep up. (As someone currently enjoying … [Read more...]
Nona. Life. Style: Haute Fall Trends for Hot Weather
Welcome to fall, y’all! I know, I know … the weather hasn’t changed, and we’re still spending our weekends poolside. So how will we know it’s fall in Florida? When Sam’s Club debuts their Christmas décor. (Duh.) The Christmas creep is coming, which means fall has arrived in Orlando. If we’re honest, though, it will still be months before we can rock true fall fashion without … [Read more...]
Nona.Life.Style: Easy Outfits for August
It's that time of year again. We grudgingly flip the calendar from lazy vacation days to looming fall deadlines, bracing ourselves for the uphill struggle that is August. The next few weeks may be pure chaos as we drag ourselves (and our kids) back into stricter schedules and return to the full-time grind of work, school, routines and rhythms. Amid this annual chaos, we could … [Read more...]
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