In celebration of Women’s History month, I would like to honor a woman who made a huge impact on science and the medical field with her discoveries and contributions and was very much ahead of time. This person is Marie Curie. Up until the early 1800s, women were unable to own property, have legal rights to their children, go to a university, earn equal wages or enter many … [Read more...]
We Take So Much for Granted: Part One
Back when I was growing up in the 1950s-1960s, we watched television shows after school during the daytime and at night, and it was a big part of our lives. We never thought about life before TV, or that it was not that long ago that families gathered around a radio to listen to stories and use their imagination, if anyone even remembers what that … [Read more...]
Rehabilitation in the Form of a Magpie
It’s always heartwarming to hear a story about how an animal helped someone with injuries heal, whether they be physical or emotional. Usually, we hear these stories about dogs or cats and sometimes horses or other mammals, but a magpie? Who would have thought that magpies are extremely intelligent? Interestingly, they can live between 20 to 30 years in the wild. After … [Read more...]
Butterfly House Pediatric Hospice: A Safe Haven for Children, Teens and Young Adults With Serious Illnesses
What could be more heart wrenching than a child with a debilitating or life-threatening disease, especially those with little to no hope of a cure? Most hospice and palliative care institutions do not include a committed pediatric team, and, therefore, this is a much-needed addition to hospice care. The needs of pediatric patients are different from the needs of adult … [Read more...]
Having worked in Manhattan for most of my working life, I learned that if you spend a lot of time walking outside in public areas such as parks, there’s a pretty good chance you will fall victim to pigeon poop in your hair or on your clothing at one time or another. They’re everywhere: waddling through the streets, on every statue or monument, windowsills, you name it, they are … [Read more...]