Does it frustrate you when your colleagues are all nodding in agreement in a team meeting with the boss and you know some of them don't agree? Just yesterday, they dumped all kinds of drama and issues on you but swore you to secrecy. And yet, when the opportunity arises for them to be open and honest with the team, they’re quiet, they look away, or, worse yet, nod their head in … [Read more...]
Get Traction: Forging Resiliency and Mental Toughness
I’ve been reading retired Navy Seal Dan Devins’ book entitled Unbeatable Mind. Chapter three is about self-mastery and, as I read it, it made me think about the EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) tool, GWC. Get it Want it Capacity to do it This is a simple tool to evaluate whether or not an employee fully understands their position. We all have three to five … [Read more...]
Get Traction: Chop Wood, Carry Water
I recently read Eleven Rings by legendary NBA coach Phil Jackson, in which he shared his secrets on how he managed two of the most talented players, Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant, and built two successful championship programs. His secret: Less is more! This book is more than just a memoir of his accomplishments; it also provides great insight on how to build a solid, … [Read more...]